
The teaching activities of our group are coordinated and mainly carried out by Dr. Ideke Lamers and Prof. Ronald Roepman. All other lab members are happy to jump in when necessary. We provide various teaching activities within both Bachelor and Master courses of the Radboud University that are focusing on virtually all topics related to our work as a cilium & ciliopathies research group.
We provide lectures, workgroups, computer- and lab-practicals about, but not limited to:
- Cilium biology and related ciliopathies
- Nephronophthisis
- Genetics in general and of ciliopathies specifically
- WES exome sequencing & analysis approaches
- Protein-protein interaction techniques and applications within ciliopathy research
- Gene therapy

Besides the theoretical side, we are also involved in teaching the β€˜soft skills’ which are indispensable for future researchers. Examples of activities handling those are:
- Workshops about project planning
- Writing a project proposal
- Literature theses
- Research Internships
We aim to tailor the topic and project of the theses or internship to the interest and level of the student, to have the most valuable learning experience. If you are interested in an internship in our lab, or interested in writing a literature thesis within our field of study, don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing Ronald Roepman or Ideke Lamers.


More information about all the courses at the Radboud University related to our work can be found on their website:
Prospectus of the Faculty of Science
Prospectus of the Faculty of Medical Sciences